What is 'Source To Sea'?


'Rivers are the arteries of our planet' - World Wildlife Fun

(Photo credit: Declan O'Mahony)

Rivers running clean and clear from their sources, joining with their tributaries and snaking their way through the landscape to an eventual confluence with a vast ocean is imperative for the maintenance of rich biodiversity and whole ecosystems, as well as being a paramount contributor in supporting entire human societies. Rivers supply us with food and water, both of which we obviously cannot live without. Nonetheless, we have mistreated and mismanaged many river systems globally, the effects of which were seen this summer for example, with a poor salmon run on several continents including Europe and North America

Thus begins a journey, that will travel from source to sea. The 'Source To Sea' project was born out of the documentary film 'RIVER RUNNER', a thought-provoking, feature-length film highlighting the plight of the Wild Atlantic Salmon on the River Lee, County Cork, Ireland. This documentary was filmed and directed by Declan O'Mahony of Mp2films.

 O'Mahony is now working tirelessly from source to sea, bringing individuals, environmental campaign groups and whole communities together. His concept is to educate from a young age up and engage as many different communities as possible in celebrating the wonders of our rivers as they flow and feed our oceans. The importance of clean water, air, and soil - this triad of elements from which we can build sustainable and healthy lifestyles is paramount to the concept.  He firmly believes that education, as early as possible, is the key for us humans to reconnect our lives with the natural world.


Handcrafted map of the River Lee (County Cork, Ireland) for 'River Runner'

Source: mp2films

Here we will follow the course of the River Lee from its source at Guagán Barra to the mouth of Cork Harbour and out into the wild Atlantic ocean, unlacing major environmental topics along the way. Next week we will embark on our journey at the submerged glacial woodland known as the Gearagh (pronounced 'Gee-rah') or 'An Gaorthadh' in Irish, meaning wooded river. Together we will be taking a closer look at this rare ecosystem and its history of degradation... Stay tuned!